I've been on and off sobriety for years now. Since my college days, I've been ranting and rambling in my daily journal about it. I found this incredibly helpful, whether it was in my Notes app or social media posts. For the longest time, I've wanted a platform like this for those entries.
My goal is to connect with like minded people who identify with what I post. My content will include retellings of past experiences with alcohol and drugs, reflections on the day to day challenges and triggers in recovery, and even thoughts on sobriety as portrayed in TV shows and movies, how accurate it is, and how I personally feel about a character's journey.
As for who I am for now, you can refer to me as John Doe. Why the anonymity? There are a few reasons. First, work related conflicts establishing my sobriety in the real world takes time. I've had to set boundaries, cut ties, and change my social circles to support my recovery. With family and friends. But work isn’t as simple as the stigma in the workplace is real, and I’ve seen the turn out when people in positions of power find out that someone is a recovering addict or on prescription psych meds. Its used against you and could end up costing you the job I don't need that in my life.
Privacy and security issues are other factors contributing to my anonymity. I'm not the most tech savvy person honestly, I'm kind of a caveman in that respect, luckily I have friends to help me with these things. SoI’m just being extra careful. Lastly, there are touchy subjects I plan to address here, things I've never shared before. I want to be able to speak freely without worrying about these things coming back to me later.
I will say this about me: I am a guy who loves the outdoors while others go to church to reset themselves. For the next week I opt out for hiking or fishing. My favorite color is green really just overall like my earth tones, I am a dog dad and have an artistic background. I enjoy crime dramas like The Wire and Sopranos, sitcoms like It's Always Sunny and American dad as well as documentaries. You’ll find out more as time goes on maybe one day I’ll full on reveal myself but until then.